Privacy Policy
Tovotec Srl, in the person of its legal representative, VAT number 01275110292, registered in Arquà Polesine (RO) Via Provinciale Est n. 1784 e-mail info@tovotec.it as data controller, respects the right to privacy of visitors to its website which can be reached at the following address: www.tovotec.it and recognizes the importance of protecting personal data.
With the entry into force of EU Regulation no. 679 of 27 April 2016 - GDPR, we have updated our privacy policy in order to provide Visitors with all the information on how we collect, manage and store personal data collected online.
Our goal is to provide all the information necessary to make navigation within the site transparent and safe. It is therefore important to carefully read the contents of this document and in case of non-sharing we recommend not to continue browsing.
By continuing to browse the site, you accept the contents of the documents: Cookie policy - Privacy policy.
Privacy Policy
Holder of the treatment
The personal data collected while browsing our site as well as the data that will be voluntarily sent through the registration form will be processed by:
Tovotec Srl, PI 01275110292, Via Provinciale Est n. 1784 - 45031 Arquà Polesine (RO) Italy, e-mail info@tovotec.it
Purpose of the processing
The personal data collected while browsing our site as well as the data that you voluntarily send us via the registration form will be processed only for specific purposes.
In the case of registration on our site or only after having given specific consent, we will send news letters or promotional messages of the services and products and / or services of the Data Controller.
To find out how to process navigation data, please refer to what is specified in the Cookie Policy document.
Type of personal data collected
The personal data collected on the site do not have the nature of particular data (as defined by Article 9 of the GDPR) but are only suitable for identifying the Visitor.
Methods of data processing and duration of processing
The processing of personal data takes place using manual, paper, IT and telematic tools with logic strictly related to the purposes specified in the privacy policy and in any case in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data.
The Company, internally, entrusts the processing of personal data to authorized persons who have received specific instructions and training and who have undertaken to treat the data confidentially.
Following indications from the supervisory authorities or in the event of organizational changes, the data controller may update and / or modify this document. Therefore, visitors must periodically check for any changes. In any case, in order to make our relationship with all Visitors, who have sent requests through the site, transparent, we will send a specific notice.
Rights of the Visitor
In implementation of the principle of transparency, the Visitor may request all information regarding the processing of his personal data as well as exercise the rights recognized by the GDPR and specified in articles 15 - 23 of EU Regulation no. 679 of 27 April 2016 - GDPR.
For more information from us about this policy or any questions relating to it, please contact us at the following contact details:
Via Provinciale Est, 1784 - 45031 Arquà Polesine (RO) Italy